Things have been crazy busy around here lately. As you know, Chandler turned 5 last month & now we're getting him ready for Kindergarten; Ashton started Physical Therapy for a condition called
Congenital Torticollis; Brooklyn will be 2 next month & has started potty-training; Jared is pushing through finals & working 12 hour days (the man is a rock star I tell ya); I have agreed to be the captain of our
Relay For Life team as well as next years Chairwoman on the preschool board; all this on top of nursing my sweet baby boy every 2 hours & taking care of my cool family. Things have been a whirlwind but life is good.
Needless to say, I haven't had as much time as I would like to post blog updates. Right now though, dinner is in the oven, Jared's working on a research paper, Brooklyn is napping, Ashton is nursing & Chandler's watching Your Baby Can Read so I have a few minutes to spare. I thought this would be a good opportunity to finally get some Easter photos up.
Coloring Easter Eggs (and a certain little girls belly):
Easter Morning:
AFTER (Isn't he a clever fella? I heart this guy.) |
We hope you all had a very (insert belly text here)!!!!